Cool Aqua Filters

Established in 2001 Cool Aqua Filters provides a specialist water filtration and purification services within Victoria, which is available to commercial business and residential properties.


Cool Aqua Filters range of systems caters for many applications including:

  • Point of Use Plumbed into town mains water coolers  – room temperature and chilled
  • Point of Use Plumbed into town mains water coolers – hot and chilled
  • Point of Use Plumbed into town mains under sink systems – room temperature
  • Point of Use Plumbed into town mains under sink systems – chilled
  • Bottle Filters – Place on top of a water cooler a fill with tap water.

Cool Aqua Filters is able to offer a water filtration service that is second to none!

  • The most advanced filtration and purification systems available
  • Water quality better than tap water as it is filtered fresh as you drink it
  • Removal or reduction of dirt, rust, mud, slime, algae, fibres, hair and chlorine
  • Removes or reduces suspended and totally dissolved solids and added chemicals from the water
  • Scheduled servicing every twelve months
  • Proven track record
  • Significant savings for existing bottled water customers with high consumption contact us to review your situation and advise you on the best solution for you drinking water needs!

Hassle Free Installation

Point of Use Cooler Filtration Systems are plumbed into the town water supply. Installation is quick and simple and with the use of speed fittings we are able to position the cooler in the most appropriate position.

Quality Filtration

The cooler uses a two-way filtration system that includes a sediment filter and an activated charcoal filter that reduces chemicals particularly chlorine taste and smell. This ensures fresh chilled great tasting water on tap.

Cool Aqua Filters Rental Program

The rental program is an annual rental fee paid in advance.  Additional costs incurred by the client are minimal; these costs include customer service plan, and cups if applicable.

Cool Aqua Filters offers a customer service plan that is second to none!

For a minimal fee annual fee, our friendly customer service team will ensure that your Point of Use System or Bottle Filter System will remain hygienic, safe and clean. Every twelve months we will fully service your system from top to bottom, which includes:

  • Sanitation of the System
  • Replacement of Activated Carbon Filter  – Point of Use System
  • Replacement of Sediment Filter  – Point of Use System
  • Cleaning of the external casing of the System
  • Safety check of all fittings and connections